digett newsletter

The Digett Newsletter

Posted by AMac on August 30, 2011

In just a couple of weeks we will be sending out Digett's monthly newsletter. Are you on our mailing list? If not, you should sign up.

The Digett Blog

Every day we publish a new article here on the Digett blog and each one is written by a member of our team, an online marketing expert. We publish on subject matter from A to Z, including insights into some of today's most sought after topics —

  • Inbound marketing
  • Custom web design
  • Drupal
  • Mobile web design
  • SEO
  • Social Media

With so many quality posts rolling off our line, and your busy schedule, it's likely you miss one every now and again. But don't worry, we've got you covered.

The Digett Newsletter

We keep track of every blog post, that is, just who and how many people are reading. At the end of each month, we compare the stats and see which handful of posts grabbed the most attention. Then, we put them together in our Digett newsletter and send them to our list of subscribers.

Subscribers not only get the newsletter delivered straight to their inbox, but they can be assured the articles within are the most read and topical posts we have to offer.

We understand you're busy and despite your best efforts, sometimes fall behind in keeping up with the our blog. But we don't want you to miss a thing! Signing up for the Digett newsletter is a guaranteed way to stay on top of our most compelling content, content that just might help grow your business.

Sign up for the Digett newsletter, it will be the best move you make today.


Get thought-provoking and actionable insights to improve how your firm makes a connection with your customers.


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