
 Why building a mobile app is probably a waste of time

Why Building a Retail Mobile App is Probably a Waste of Time

Posted by Amy Peveto on October 14, 2014

Mobile apps have taken the world by storm. In Apple’s App store alone there are more than a million, and according to some research we’re spending more of our time online using them than anything else. Despite what some say about the value of apps for businesses, though, I’m still not convinced it’s a good investment for everyone.


Mind the Customer Service Gap: Are You Falling In?

Posted by Jennifer Edwards on September 30, 2014

There are potholes forming between consumers and businesses. These gaps arise when the customer’s expectation of the service doesn’t quite match up with their actual experience of the service. However, we as service providers are not at a complete disadvantage; understanding the five "gaps" that can lead to unsuccessful delivery of service — and what factors affect them — will help prevent you from leaving your customers disappointed.

The secret to being a better business

The Best Way to be a Better Business

Posted by Amy Peveto on August 05, 2014

Digett’s weekly team lunch is a great opportunity for us to strengthen team bonds by talking about something other than work, as well as the best way we’ve found to keep everyone in the loop on all projects.


3 Video Marketing Lessons from 100 Big Cats

Posted by Amy Peveto on July 29, 2014

In 2006 Florida-based nonprofit Big Cat Rescue created a YouTube channel and uploaded their first video. Since then the staff has uploaded hundreds of videos dedicated to educating viewers about big cats. Here’s three lessons their videos can teach you about your video marketing strategy.

Avoid duplicate content issues by syndicating properly

Letting Someone Copy Your Online Content? Read This.

Posted by Amy Peveto on July 02, 2014

Recently I stumbled across what I thought was a case of plagiarism: one of our client’s blog articles was posted verbatim on someone else’s site. While we quickly discovered that our client knows the other party and gave permission to repost, it was not done properly and brought up some potential duplicate content and SEO concerns.

Marketing and sales must work together for success

Marketing and Sales: Two Teams, One Goal

Posted by Kelsey Ransom on June 25, 2014

Since the beginning of time, marketing has been easily confused with “selling something.” Traditionally, marketing was unexpected and in your face. It was persuading anybody who wanted to listen — and more often those who didn’t want to listen — that the product was something worth buying.

Storytelling: the secret to selling a boring idea

The Secret to Selling a Boring Idea

Posted by Amy Peveto on June 24, 2014

The History Channel airs some of the best guilty pleasure shows — none more guilty than Swamp People. The plot is nothing fancy and remains almost unchanged from episode to episode, season to season, so how is it still so popular? It relies on my favorite thing: storytelling.

Stronger google analytics

If Your Google Analytics Isn’t Customized, You’re Doing it Wrong

Posted by Wes Mills on June 11, 2014

Google Analytics is a wonderful tool that offers a plethora of data and undoubtedly the most ubiquitous web analytics tool out there. With all of that data, it makes it incredibly easy to lose the signal through the noise — the less important metrics can easily overshadow your actionable insights. If you aren’t using custom segments or reports, you’re losing the signal.


Social Media: The Customer’s New Voice

Posted by Jennifer Edwards on June 10, 2014

As social media platforms continue merging with the marketing world, there has been a transformation in the way customers can interact with a company, both positively and negatively. These social media platforms provide businesses the ability to connect and communicate with their target audience, allowing the audience to learn about the company, and ask questions or provide feedback.

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