Should you outsource your company’s content creation?

Outsourcing: The Lazy Marketer’s Secret to Success?

Posted by Amy Peveto on May 14, 2013

While content marketers agree that content is critical to success, the debate around outsourcing its creation continues raging. Some say it’s laziness or a lack of commitment, while others argue that sometimes it’s the only way. So who’s right?

Content = Customers

You’re probably sick of hearing HubSpot’s statistic that companies that blog get 55% more website visitors. But what about this gem?

56% of companies that blog once per month have acquired a customer through their blog; but for companies that blog daily, the statistic jumps to 78%.

If your goal is to obtain new customers more frequently, posting one measly article a month just ain’t gonna cut it.

Note: HubSpot studies are conducted among a small customer base, so take these numbers with a grain of salt. If they’re even remotely true, however, they make a compelling case for frequent blogging.

Creating content isn’t easy

Writing quickly and clearly is not an innate talent, and for a lot of people it’s downright intimidating. The “write a blog post” concept can feel eerily similar to “write a term paper,” reminding many of stressful experiences in high school English classes.

It’s also time-consuming, and often seen as less important than most other tasks. If an employee has to choose between slaving over a blog post and completing support tasks or making sales calls, guess which gets done?

Outsourcing is 100% fine

We’re past the point of arguing over whether or not blogging is effective — it is.

If it’s a choice between never or rarely blogging and routinely posting compelling, relevant, helpful content, do it — even if you’re not the one doing the writing.

But it’s not really any easier

Once you’ve decided to outsource your content creation, it’s tempting to think that you don’t have to worry about or pay attention to it anymore. That’s a mistake.

First you have to find writers. You can find tons of them on sites like Elance or Ebyline, but choose wisely — hiring a fashion writer for your IT company is a bad idea.

Need help? We've got a great article on finding writers for your content.

Then there’s the matter of budget — great content is not cheap, and you have to decide if you’re willing or able to spend what it takes.

You also still have to be involved in content creation. The best freelancer in the world, one who knows everything there is to know about your industry, is still not a company insider. They don’t know your company’s values, objectives, or customers, and it’s up to you to stay involved and make sure that the content he or she produces adheres to your mission and properly serves your audience.

The choice is yours

Many companies outsource their content because they think it will be easier. But even if you’re not writing, you’re still hiring, editing, and monitoring. It’s up to you to decide which is best for your company.

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