Redesigned Site Launch for Texas Ranches for Sale

Posted by Valarie Geckler on August 27, 2014

Texas Ranches for Sale, a brokerage firm, markets and locates quality ranches throughout South Texas, the Texas Hill Country and beyond. The new website for Texas Ranches for Sale provides a mobile-friendly, streamlined experience aimed at increasing conversions.

While the client’s previous website functioned well, we identified opportunities to optimize the visitor experience in the new version of the site. Most importantly, we wanted the redesign to more effectively engage website visitors and to provide easier and clearer calls-to-action.

Encourage visitor engagment

We revamped the way a visitor can browse ranch listings and filter for exactly the kind of property they want.

Texas Ranches for Sale has beautiful photography produced for each of their properties. Previous photo galleries were small. We're now letting the photography tell the story. Pictures are large, immersive and easy to browse, providing greater opportunity for a potential buyer to determine their level of interest.

Clearer calls to action

In the previous iteration of the site calls-to-action were the last thing visible on the page. We’ve put them much higher and given them a place of prominence under the featured photos.

Responsive design for compatibility with all devices

A redesign allowed for a more modern look and feel and mobile-friendly, responsive interface, all while still conveying the refinement and quality of Texas Ranches for Sale’s listings and services.

Better site, more leads

By presenting easier-to-digest information to locate and learn about each ranch, visitors will be able to more easily determine their interest in a property.

Better calls-to-action will encourage them to reach out to the Texas Ranches for Sale team.

By encouraging better informed visitors, ideally submissions and phone inquiries will increase and come from leads with a higher level of interest.


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