
Why do we talk about Drupal so much?

Posted by Art Williams on April 11, 2012

As a client or potential client of Digett you probably have taken a look through our blog posts and wondered why we bother posting technical articles about Drupal. Some people think, “That’s not what a client wants to read.” or “Prospects aren’t interested in all that technobabble.”  But as a client—ours or anyone else’s—the technical materials should be important to you too. Here’s why and what you can learn from our example.


Personal Branding Basics

Posted by Amy Peveto on March 19, 2012

As the world changes and its people become more social and connected, entire lives will be catalogued online. No matter your age, industry, or level of experience, having a personal brand can mean the difference between getting that job, gaining industry renown, and being just another somebody.


Tear down that wall of words!

Posted by JD Collier on December 16, 2011

Often I have a client who needs a lot of words on the page. At first glance, I feel like I can condense the message — but just as often, the nature of my client's industry requires specific language. Good design and marketing practices tell me to have a short page to read, but when I try to edit the page, there isn't much content I can trim (especially when there are product features or legally-required points to cover).

Writing for the Web

Writing for the Web—Don't listen to your English teacher!

Posted by JD Collier on November 04, 2011

Most of us learned how to write in a system that encouraged us to fill the page. Remember when a teacher said to write two pages, single-space? We filled our papers with adjectives, extra details and asides. Nothing could be further from the goal in writing for the web.


3 Ways to Communicate Your Corporate Culture

Posted by Mark Figart on September 27, 2011

In a meeting today with a new client, a conversation arose regarding their strong and positive feelings for their corporate culture, how important they thought it was, and that the challenge now was how to communicate that culture to their audience (which I'll just suppose for the sake of this post is two-fold: prospective clients and prospective job candidates).

digett newsletter

The Digett Newsletter

Posted by AMac on August 30, 2011

In just a couple of weeks we will be sending out Digett's monthly newsletter. Are you on our mailing list? If not, you should sign up.

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Blog Comments: Necessary? I Think Not

Posted by AMac on August 15, 2011

At Digett we often debate the need to enable comments on a blog, that is, if we should allow readers the opportunity to leave feedback via a form submission.

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