
OpenLayers Map

Impressions of OpenLayers in Drupal 7

Posted by JD Collier on September 30, 2011

I'm a fan of the OpenLayers module in Drupal 7 (and 6 too, for that matter) and here's why you should be too.

You can allow for both latitude/longitude mapping, KML property boundary mapping, geocoding entered addresses (with a helper module) and more. With this module, you can input the geo data and then display all your information on a map.


San Antonio Web Design

Posted by AMac on September 29, 2011

A few months ago, I came up with an idea to design and build a Digett landing page that would break down the state of the San Antonio web design community and explain to the average consumer why the Digett way is the only way to go. Today, I'm proud to announce the launch of that page — San Antonio Web Design.

Upgrading Drupal

The Case for Upgrading Your Drupal Website

Posted by Art Williams on August 31, 2011

Drupal is robust and heavily tested, so the sites we built a few years back—on Drupal 5 or even Drupal 4.7—are still running like champs. That makes it hard sometimes to explain why a client would want to spend the money to upgrade their site to Drupal 6 or 7.

Crowdsource: Drupal 7 Entities Unleashed

Crowdsource: Drupal 7 Entities Unleashed

Posted by Art Williams on August 24, 2011

Recently I’ve been working on a couple of websites in Drupal 7. One of them has some pretty complicated data structure and relationships. I’ve really been racking my brain as to how to build these data structures in Drupal, to the point of even completely starting over twice.

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