
Tools of the trade

Posted by JD Collier on August 12, 2011

I love my tools. I love having the right tool for the job! As a Drupal developer, I will sometimes use the command line for things like Drush or creating symlinks, but for the most part, most of my day is spent in one of the tools below.


Impressions on rejoining the Drupalverse

Posted by JD Collier on July 29, 2011

“Hi, my name is JD and I'm a noob.” That's how I feel I should start every conversation as I dive back into a world where every question I ask takes me deeper and deeper into the guts of Drupal.


How to Create a Repeating Background Image

Posted by AMac on July 19, 2011

Often times in web design we have the need to create a repeating background image. This can be simple or fairly complex depending on the type of background that needs repeating. I've developed a method for creating such images with ease.

Drupal HTML5

HTML5 Base Starter Themes in Drupal 7

Posted by Art Williams on June 29, 2011

With the emergence of the semantic web and the proliferation of mobile browsing devices, HTML5 is all the rage in front-end web development. We can better explain to search engines the context surrounding a piece of content by using HTML5. Along with CSS3, HTML5 allows us to make active exciting website designs without the overhead and compatibility issues of Adobe Flash — especially on mobile devices. In the Drupal community numerous HTML5 themes have begun to crop up. If you plan to leverage these advantages in your next website, the question is which HTML5 base theme should you use as a starter theme.


Custom Web Design: You Can't Please Them All

Posted by AMac on May 18, 2011

Any good marketer will tell you that the most effective way to communicate a brand is at a targeted audience. But ask a client who their audience is, and nine times out of ten they'll respond with an emphatic, "Everyone," followed by, "Seriously, everyone, I mean, everybody is going to just love our cookie tins. I think our website should appeal to everyone."

Digital Agency vs Ad Agency

Digital Agency vs Ad Agency

Posted by Lewis on May 13, 2011

The distinction between ad agencies and interactive agencies, or digital agencies, can be fuzzy and confusing. Part of the reason for this is that many traditional ad agencies refer to themselves as a digital agency even though many are struggling to get up to speed with digital design, marketing, and development concepts.


Custom Web Design Trends: Parallax Scrolling

Posted by AMac on April 26, 2011

One of the hottest new trends in web design is a technique called parallax scrolling, which is the latest addition to a growing list of effects used to create a sense of depth on a web page. Throw out your misconceptions that Flash and video are the only ways to achieve the third-dimension. Parallax techniques use well defined imagery, JQuery and CSS3 to create a truly unique browsing experience.

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