Tools of the Trade

Uses for Photoshop's "Canvas Size"

Posted by AMac on October 27, 2009

I'm constantly finding better ways to do things, ways to create a smoother and more efficient work flow. Recently, I've had two epiphanies relating to Photoshop's Canvas Size.


Good SEO Isn't About Sleight of Hand

Posted by Zachary on October 01, 2009

"We'll make you number one on Google in 48 hours!!!" "Our techniques will drive 100X more traffic to your site!!"

We see the wild claims all the time. Chances are, they're bogus; if they're not, then the techniques are suspect. Legitimate search engine optimization practitioners refrain from making such wild claims, leaving them to those who are less reputable. Besides, you should never trust someone who wantonly uses multiple exclamation points.


Fresh Crap! What I've Learned About Print

Posted by AMac on August 26, 2009

This week's newsletter is about going "Back to School," so I'll start with a short bit about school.

It wasn't long ago that I was in school. It's interesting to me that I've spent two-thirds of my life in school, the majority of my time up to this point. But a person twice my age has spent two-thirds of his life out of school, his time defined by what he's done since. It's a funny thing to think about—school becomes less relevant as you get older, to the point that school has almost no relevance to a person in their 90s. Crazy.

Video in email? Not quite yet, Mr. DeMille.

Lights, Camera ... Inaction

Posted by Zachary on August 13, 2009

In one of our recent e-newsletters, we decided to feature some recent video work by using a still shot of the commercial with the ubiquitous "Play" button slapped on top. The implication, I hope, was clear: Click here, and you'll see some moving pictures. But we didn't try to embed the actual video in the email.

Why not? Because video playback in email just isn't ready for the spotlight, despite years of pining from desperate marketers, largely because a handful of cranks ruined the fun for everyone.


Losing in the Court of Online Opinion

Posted by Zachary on July 31, 2009

I spent a good portion of my formative years in a law firm, as a number of my family members were part of the bar. While I chose a different career path, my time in that environment gave me a few legal insights, including:

  • When "Law & Order" is getting it all wrong. Seriously, trials are rarely that entertaining and never end in 13 minutes.
  • That some matters conclude with no clear winner, regardless of the verdict.

We Sent Invitations, but Forgot the Party

Posted by Zachary on July 29, 2009

It seems I made a bit of a boo-boo in Digett's July newsletter, titled "Join our Launch Party." You see, we try to center our monthly missives around one theme, a practice that helps focus the conversation. Since we completed a number of projects toward the end of June, I thought it appropriate to highlight them and call it a "launch party," a minor mockery of the irrational exuberance of the dot-com boom of the late 90s.

Unfortunately, the title caused some confusion—there was no actual party. In my zeal to create a quirky and memorable theme, I committed a basic communications error by not being clear. I've even been told a couple of people were confused about how to R.S.V.P. for the party, which probably means I now owe some folks drinks and a cheese platter.


A Television Commercial Without Video? Yep.

Posted by Zachary on June 19, 2009

We're big proponents of emerging technologies here, especially those that help shake up a medium—like television—that has been done largely the same way for decades. But as much as things change, the more they stay the same. After all, when was the last time you saw something truly different on TV?

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