Web Tip: Getting Manic Over Meta Descriptions

Posted by Mark Figart on February 28, 2008

Whether you are aware of this or not, many of us see meta descriptions at least a few times every day. We might see hundreds of them, in fact. Every time you Google a phrase (which I do at least ten to twenty times daily), the SERP displays a list of page titles, each followed by a a short description derived from its respective web page's meta description.


New Site Launched: Innove

Posted by Valarie Geckler on February 28, 2008

Confidence. Capability. Innové owes their success to these traits. We knew from our first meeting that part of our success would be judged on how well we incorporated these traits into a new web site. The new Innove.com needed to clearly identify the company's purpose, explain their capabilities and processes, and cater to multiple audiences.


Fight or Flight

Posted by AMac on February 21, 2008

In 1915, Walter Cannon theorized that animals react to threatening situations with a general discharge of the sympathetic nervous system, priming the animal for fighting or fleeing. He coined the term "fight or flight."

I know what that guy was talking about.


Drupal Views Module Caveat

Posted by Luke on February 20, 2008

Drupal's powerful Views module is something I use almost everyday. The Views module allows you to present content in many different ways by sorting and filtering content to suit your specific need.


Drupal Image Upload Solution

Posted by Luke on January 24, 2008

You’re uploading an image to an IMCE field in Drupal. The upload fails over and over again.

Having already ensured the image is within the size and type constraints set in IMCE, you set out to double check your access control when you think, “Wait a minute, I know I already have the right permissions because this was working yesterday....wasn’t it?”